What are the properties of timber?
Timber is the important product that is used for making furniture. The product is extensively used within the making of beam and planks. It is also capable of yielding various sizes and can be generally produced along every wood product. The wood is actually used for building almost each structure of final product that can be used according to the need. Timber is in demand for the use and various other purposes like making building material, furniture and lot more. To manufacture all these products, it is important to get through almost every demand factors and get around for the properties before choosing one. The best wholesale timber should qualify the following properties. They are listed below.
- Color – We can easily find the quality of wood through its color. If the color is lighter, it means the timber is weak. The variation of color define the wood quality as the freshly cut wood has dark brown, yellowish and white colored shades around respectively.
- Appearance – Also a strong timber is found by its aroma.
- Hardness – For making any kind of product, it is necessary to consider the hardness which defines its resistance and attributes. This helps in checking out life of a product.
- Gravity – The specific gravity of timber differs based on the number of pores found within the wood. If the number of pores is less, its gravity may increase.
- Moisture content – Since the moisture content of wood is the fact that helps in finding the fungal attacks. If there are more susceptible fungal attacks found, the wood may not be used for manufacturing any kind of products.
- Grain – The grain arrangement within timber should be straight, interlocked or coarse.
- Shrinkage/swelling – The both factors are common with this wood quality preference. If the wood is taken out with good quality, it will not swell but shrinking is common with all the type of wood. The percentage of shrinking differs based in the quality.
Strength – If the timber has highest quality, strength of this load bearing cannot be taken around within indications.
- Density – If the wood has good quality, timber should be taken along moisturizing and lesser density content. The most preferred density of timber is found through the thickness and various ranging values.
- Toughness – The high capacity of bearing shocks and jerks are the indication about its quality.
- Elasticity – Once the timber is taken with usage, it will attain the shape faster.
- Durability – When you use good timber, it is free from fungal attack and the resistance power increases over time.
- Soundness – When the timber quality is high, it contains the resistance to fungal attack as well.
So, if you are searching to buy timber for making any kind of wood product, it is important to consider all these properties before finalizing your purchase.